Thursday, December 18, 2003

The Annual Xmas Letter

Every year Diane asks me to write a Christmas letter for the few cards we send out - this year you get to read it to!

December 2003

Greetings! We hope this season finds you well and happy! We’ve had a busy year, but here at the holidays we’re ready for a couple of weeks of being close to home and fewer rushed activities.

Here’s the breakdown for all of us:

Jennifer just turned 11. She’s doing a terrific job on the piano and is now starting drawing lessons, the cello and even trying some children’s theater. She’s even had her first picture on exhibit. Her picture was titled “Silent Turtle Water” (you’ll have to ask her). We’ll have her do a custom Christmas card next year. Both she and Kathleen continue to ice skate competitively – the gold medals are piling up (but I don’t think you’ll see them at the Olympics anytime soon). It’s hard to believe that Jennifer will start middle school next year.

Kathleen, now a sophomore, is in demand on the string bass and already getting paying gigs, but not making enough to cover what I charge to drive her around. She’s been selected for the All-State Jazz band and plays with the Columbus Youth Symphony Orchestra. She’ll start driver’s ed in a couple of months and is picking out cars (although she knows she’s driving the old minivan until further notice).

Diane and I completed a huge project in April with the grand opening of “Cinema Murray”, our basement-remodeling project. If you’re ever in the area stop in for a movie – but call ahead, seating is limited! I’ve been accused of obsessing about this new hobby, but I swear it’s not time for a mid-life crisis. You can check it out online at

Both of us remain working in the high pressure, high tech field, but we’re not complaining – we know too many people that are out of work. Diane runs a large technical department for the state and I’ve taken on all of the marketing and public relations for Now Software (let me know if you need any calendar software!). I’m doing a little more traveling (NYC, San Francisco, Vegas, etc.) just enough to be fun, but those redeye flights back are rough. On the health front I had my gall bladder out in February and am finally attacking my long-term back pain – a mix of kidney stones and arthritis – but hopefully controllable with exercise and medication.

We have been keeping up with our yearly vacation to Cape Hatteras and, this year, we are also planning a family trip to Boston. And by this time next year we’ll be looking at colleges for Kathleen!

Don’t forget to write (regular mail or email to And if you can, come for a visit!

All the best this holiday season.

Randy, Diane, Kathleen, and Jennifer

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