Friday, March 24, 2006

Another Reason Not to Live in Jurassic park

I like Florida well enough to visit, but I don't think I could live anywhere that dinosaurs crawl up into your back yard to eat your pets and bugs the size of your hand might land on your face in the middle of the night.

Alligator Knocks on Fla. Woman's Door: "So now the alligators are going door to door. When Lori Pachelli heard someone knocking at the door of her home in a gated community in this southwest Florida community earlier this week, she looked out to see an unwelcome visitor on her front stoop: an 8-foot alligator."

Another point in favor of nice, quiet Ohio. Nothing bad could happen here. No siree, Bob.

That is not an invitation for you to send me a list of all the bad things that could or have already happened here. Screwed up presidential elections do not compare to a freak'n eight foot lizard knocking on your door. Yeah, "Land shark". Not so funny now, is it?

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Not jumping on the bandwagon, but running along side

I really hope they are fully committing to the complete cheesiness.

Film Article | "As film back-stories go, this one is fairly serpentine. The Samuel L. Jackson thriller 'Snakes on a Plane,' which wrapped last September in Vancouver, went back before the cameras this month for five days of additional shooting in Los Angeles."

What they don't point out is that "Snakes On A Plane" is a long standing Hollywood in-joke/complaint. It represents the worse possible "high concept" idea and is a phrase equivalent to "what'cha gonna do?"

That someone really made it as a movie is both scary and funny. Scary if they were serious about it. Funny if they embrace the absurdity.

What is brilliant is that the studio understands the groundswell of internet attention and have gone back to shape the movie to more appeal to this audience.

I smell a hit!

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Special Relativity Of Framing

When I saw the link to this article I though, "hmm, sounds link an interesting physics article." Sorry, no. It's a badly framed article about cosmic rays and their aging-like effects.

Was Einstein Wrong about Space Travel? | Science Blog: "Consider a pair of brothers, identical twins. One gets a job as an astronaut and rockets into deep space. The other stays on Earth. When the traveling twin returns home, he discovers he's younger than his brother.

This is Einstein's Twin Paradox, and although it sounds strange, it is absolutely true. The theory of relativity tells us that the faster you travel through space, the slower you travel through time. Rocketing to Alpha Centauri -- warp 9, please -- is a good way to stay young.

Or is it?"

OK, please, if you're going to do popular science writing, get it right. Einstein wasn't wrong. You, article writer person, are. Einstein is talking about the effects of speed. You're talking about the effects of cosmic rays. So, putting on my scifi hat, I simply raise shields, no more cosmic rays, but still special relativity effects when traveling at sub-light, but very fast speeds.

Now, if I'm traveling faster than light (see the article below), then we can also forget about relativity.

These 2 things have nothing to do with one another. The writer thought that they were being clever, but frankly, they're just confusing people that might not understand.

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Just Bury Me In A Captain Kirk Coffin - Scenes from Homer found in Cyprus 'warrior tomb' - Mar 20, 2006 "In one large painting, Ulysses and his comrades escape from the blind Cyclops Polyphemos' cave, hidden under a flock of sheep. Another depicts a battle between Greeks and Trojans from the Iliad."

This is an astounding find, but reading about a warrior being buried in a coffin decorated with scenes from the Odyssey made me smile. Essentially, he was buried in a pop culture themed grave. It's like having a NASCAR funeral, or being buried in a box decorated with scenes of the Death Star and Ice Planet Hoth.

Don't get me wrong. I believe the Odyssey is one of our greatest stories - a remarkable piece of literature. But I also don't forget that it was popular entertainment for people 2,500 years ago.

OK, so I want to be cremated, after anything useful is removed. But before you light the fire, dress me in my Star Fleet best.

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