Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Comforting Words From Captain Randy

You're fucked.

Royally fucked. Bury the family silver in the back yard. Hunker down and see you in four years.

Actually, I'm more than a little interested to see if they'll now let the mask slip, reveal the slithering evil inside. Will events and circumstances keep them restrained, or will they let loose with a barrage of repression, trying to shape the country after their own desires for the next fifty years?

It's a bad time, folks. But it's made clear that a full half of the country wants it exactly this way. I'm beginning to wonder if a little class warfare isn't a good idea after all.

More, after my coffee . . .

OK, here's the bright side. Bush will now have to deal with his mess in Iraq. Had Kerry won, he would have been saddled with it and I don't think there's a solution that doesn't turn out badly for everyone. So it will be completely in Bush's lap.

And in the good news front. I can now get a drink (soon) in historically dry Westerville. I'm gonna need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Capt'n!

I've been up most of the night so I'm a little hazy.
I feel kind of sick- but that might also have to do with the lack of sleep, food and too much coffee, cigarettes and crappy news channels.

I'm too tired to really write coherently so I said what I needed to with pictures. It's kind of all over the place but it's the best I can do for now.

It might be beer for breakfast here too. Maybe I should shower first- bah- it doesn't matter.
