Wednesday, July 27, 2005

And This Is Why I Don't Shop At Wal-Mart

I saw this article referenced on Metafilter:

Here's why you can't buy the News Journal at Wal-Mart

Frankly I've never liked Wal-Mart, even without their heavy handed politics. I find their stores to be dirty, chaotic, poorly organized, and filled with sub-standard goods. For years I've had first hand evidence that they are completely draconian in their business dealings. They make completely unreasonable demands of their vendors, and when they don't get their way, they pull all their business. I lump them together with the fine folks that ran Enron.

I do shop at Sam's Club. I'd rather shop at Costco, but don't have one closer than 2 hours away. At least Sam's Club is clean, well lit, has well organized shelves and wide isles.

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