Thursday, August 25, 2005

Another One For The Legions

This story left me shaking my head and wondering what could be done with such a screwed up kid.

Man, 19, accused of desecrating Civil War corpse - The Boston Globe: "NEWBURYPORT -- A 19-year-old man from Salisbury was supposed to be cleaning up a cemetery last week as part of court-ordered community work after he broke into an apartment building last fall.

Instead, officials said, Neil J. Goodwin Jr. invaded the tomb of a Civil War veteran, pulled apart the 142-year-old skeleton, and then played with the bones, balancing the skull on his shoulder and posing for pictures"

Well, here's a thought. If the good old US of A is going to be the new Roman Empire, perhaps instead of an army we should set up our own Legions. We could empty out the prisons, ship them over to one of our "client" states (or "fledgling democracies" as they like to call them) and whip them into the fiercest fighting force on the planet.

Just don't let them back on US soil.

So, where exactly is our Rubicon?

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