Sunday, September 28, 2003

I'm Not The Only One

Dan Levey helps out on the search:

"I've been obsessed with seeing that cat and dog cartoon again but it's not on a DVD or VHS anywhere.  Anyway the song is by Raymond Scott and is called "Powehouse",  There are two cartoons with that cat and dog and I got one from "Early to Bet" and the one I can't get is called "It's Hummer Time"  which has the classic "No, Not the Works" line.  Just figured I'd help you out but if you can find this cartoon anywhere, let me know."

That's it! And for 99 cents I bought a copy at the iTunes Music store and am listening to it now! Wow! The theme begins at about 1:20 into it.

Original post link.

Bet you thought this was going to be a John Lennon post.

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