Monday, May 26, 2003


I went a little around the bend yesterday. I don't often find myself in Walmart, don't really care for the place, but for some reason, there I was. Of course, I had to look at their DVD prices. I found a bargain bin, some were under $6, some under $8, and some other new releases for around $15.

Here's what I got:
  • Ghostbusters
  • The Green Mile
  • Under Siege (I know, it's a Steven Seagal movie, but it is a pretty good one)
  • The Poseidon Adventure
  • The Truth About Cats & Dogs
  • Godzilla (the new, US made one - another guilty pleasure "Man in suit! Man in Suit!)
  • Jumanji
  • 25th Hour (the best film I've seen this year)
  • Dances with Wolves - Special Edition (nearly 4 hours long!).

I had also picked out Falling Down, but Diane put her foot down. I'll have to pick it up later. Oh, and earlier this week I also bought Adaptation, and Star Trek: Nemesis. And I've got a stack from the past few weeks sitting on my desk waiting to be cataloged.

God, I hope this format holds out for a LONG while.

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