Thursday, June 05, 2003

Don't Know Why

Kathleen introduced me to Norah Jones last year. I'd probably heard her by then, but not really brought her into foreground processing. She is, admittedly, much more interesting to listen to than virtually all of the other pop played on the radio (I do like Five for Fighting).

I saw her mentioned in the news today and it reminded me of a question. What is the meaning of her song, "Don't Know Why"? I went to the web, but after reading what I could find, it was obvious that they don't get it. It's not about something - it's a story, or more to the point, a lament.

The content: an alcoholic, presently inebriated and unable to rise to full emotion, wistfully reminisces about a love that could have been, but will never be.

It's a torch song, folks, but ultimately depressing!

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