Friday, June 06, 2003

Simon Dumenco is a Fraud

Hrumph. Doc Searls lead me to this link - an article titled "American Idle". In it the writer, Simon Dumenco slashes away at technology, specifically TiVo and blogs. He claims that these technologies are making him lazy, impassive, and yes, a fraud in claiming he's seen or read something he has not.

Ah, but the fault, dear Simon, is not in our blogs, but in ourselves. Or more specifically, in yourself.

I find TiVo useful, VERY useful. But I wouldn't bother to claim to have watched something that I have no interest in and I certainly wouldn't record it so I could claim with a clear conscience that I'd watch it sometime in the future. That's your problem, Simon, not mine.

And I use other peoples' blogs to help me find interesting and useful stuff and see their opinion of what they've found. Only a fraud wouldn't read the source. I read your article, Simon, but I never would have found it without Doc blogging it. I know who Doc Searls is. Who the hell are you?

Such stuff you say.

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