Thursday, May 15, 2003

Over the Hump

Over the hump. Thursday's have such a nice momentum to them. Decisions get made, progress is evident, dragons are slain (only to resurrect on the following Monday, but I'll take the reprieve).

I've been rereading the excellent Aubrey/Maturin books of Patrick O'Brian, starting with Master and Commander.

You'll have to forgive me if my writing and speech take on a decidedly antiquated flair. I'm just now wrapping up "Desolation Island", which is one of my favorites.

My first reading of these books, some time ago, was spread out over years, finishing finally just after the good Mr. O'Brian's passing. This time it's all 21 as a single book. Marvelous, exciting, intriguing, insightful, and oh so funny! If you haven't read them, do so immediately. Lose not a minute!

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