BoingBoing has been covering a recent spate of cellphone legislation around the world. Most of it's directed at the camera enabled. I do not currently own one of these, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Personally, why would I want a crappy digital camera? Well, because you'd always have it with you. A crappy photo of something happening is far better than no photo at all. Eventually this technology will be woven into our clothes - virtually impossible to limit cameras, voice and video from anywhere. Can't ban it, so better start figuring out how to live with it.
And the phone cameras won't be crappy forever. I'm increasingly aware that the cellphone is becoming the platform of the future. In fact, I can easily imagine a future where the personal computer disappears and we simply lease space and processing from (I'm not sure who - hopefully not the phone companies). At home or at work we'd have a monitor of some sorts, but our cellphones would give us exactly the same amount of access. I love my iPod, I use my Palm but love it less daily, but I NEVER leave the house without my phone. What I really want is one indestructible and cheap device (virtually disposable), that give me access to unlimited computing power, every piece of music, film or TV show, every book ever written, that fits in my pocket or on my belt.
Do I want it to fit in my ear? Probably not. but I'd love for it to talk to my sunglasses. Worried about invasion of privacy? You should be. But banning the technology is a poor way of attacking the problem. So, how do you fight it?
I'm serious - more to come.