Shortly before his death at the age of 60, John McNulty sent his friend James Thurber a short note. It read: "I think that maybe threescore years and ten is subject to change without notice."
I've been reading a lot lately about a group of men in the first half of the last century. Virtually all of them died in their 50's and 60's. Sobering. Of course, these men worked obsessively hard, smoked continuously, drank like fish, and were without the benefit of modern medicine. Here, on my 45th birthday it gives me pause.
But it's a promising time. I see myself now entering a third stage of life. Childhood is long left behind (but not all childish ways). My years as a custodial parent are about over. And now it's time for what I hope is a long productive and enjoyable portion of life. Many elderly, when asked, report that their favorite time of life was from 50 to 70.
I have great hopes on a long life, longer than the threescore and ten if possible. I want to fill those years with getting to know my children as adults and being an active part of my grandchildren's lives. I want to spend as much time with my wife, traveling and finding new interests together. And I want to purse my personal interests as a writer and playwright.
Should that all be subject to change I have no regrets.