I like Florida well enough to visit, but I don't think I could live anywhere that dinosaurs crawl up into your back yard to eat your pets and bugs the size of your hand might land on your face in the middle of the night.
Alligator Knocks on Fla. Woman's Door: "So now the alligators are going door to door. When Lori Pachelli heard someone knocking at the door of her home in a gated community in this southwest Florida community earlier this week, she looked out to see an unwelcome visitor on her front stoop: an 8-foot alligator."
Another point in favor of nice, quiet Ohio. Nothing bad could happen here. No siree, Bob.
That is not an invitation for you to send me a list of all the bad things that could or have already happened here. Screwed up presidential elections do not compare to a freak'n eight foot lizard knocking on your door. Yeah, "Land shark". Not so funny now, is it?
humor, florida, ohio, SNL
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