Today, for an unexpected reason, I started to edit out my address book - it had swollen to nearly 2000 contacts, many of which were far out of date and no longer in my industry (OK, I'm the one that switched industries).
But in quickly going thru them, I found 3 friends and acquaintances who had passed away. It was a shock to see their names, as if I could still pick up the phone and call them. And it was difficult to delete their records. It seemed another death, and this time, at my hand.
And then I came across the name James Kim. He was likely a brief contact at a tradeshow, or someone I met when in his office when I was on a press tour. You might remember his name recently from all the press. He's the one that died after he and his family got lost in the Oregon wilderness.
Hence, today is mortality recognition day. Here's to us, the living. And for those who have passed, there are we remember you.
Rodney O. Lain
Kelly Mayhew
Sing-Si Schwartz
James Kim
Be a Hero: Vote
12 years ago