Friday, August 26, 2005

Roll Call!

Now that I have the visitor log working (see the link at the right) I'm seeing that readers of the blog are coming from all over.

For example, a quick peak tells me I've got readers in
  • Sacramento, California
  • Redmond, Washington
  • Lisbon, Lisboa
  • Columbus, Ohio
  • Houston, Texas
  • Jupiter, Florida
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Reynoldsburg, Ohio
  • Mountain Home, Arkansas
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Florissant, Missouri
  • San Francisco, California

To mention a few.

So, if you've got a minute, click the little comment down here and say hi!

Show Your Faith!

Flying Spaghetti Monster Emblem for your car!

And here's my argument today against intelligent design: if we were created by a superior alien intellect, why does my back hurt? Pretty piss poor design, if you ask me.

And how do I go about getting an extended warrantee?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Another One For The Legions

This story left me shaking my head and wondering what could be done with such a screwed up kid.

Man, 19, accused of desecrating Civil War corpse - The Boston Globe: "NEWBURYPORT -- A 19-year-old man from Salisbury was supposed to be cleaning up a cemetery last week as part of court-ordered community work after he broke into an apartment building last fall.

Instead, officials said, Neil J. Goodwin Jr. invaded the tomb of a Civil War veteran, pulled apart the 142-year-old skeleton, and then played with the bones, balancing the skull on his shoulder and posing for pictures"

Well, here's a thought. If the good old US of A is going to be the new Roman Empire, perhaps instead of an army we should set up our own Legions. We could empty out the prisons, ship them over to one of our "client" states (or "fledgling democracies" as they like to call them) and whip them into the fiercest fighting force on the planet.

Just don't let them back on US soil.

So, where exactly is our Rubicon?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Missing the Point on Home Theater

Chicago Tribune | ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS EVOLVE : "'It's going to appeal to the consumer who doesn't want their living space to look like a home theater,' Stout said."

I'll admit it. I'm a complete home theater bigot. Yes, I can see that Ethan Allen is jumping on the bandwagon for flat screen TV storage, but hey, if you're watching a TV, you're not doing home theater.

We in the hobby have long, often heated debates over exactly what home theater is. The term is in danger of becoming useless.

So, here's my definition: a home theater is a dedicated space specifically designed for watching movies and high-definition television broadcast. The minimum requirements include surround sound (5.1 at a minimum), acoustic treatment, light control, and (here's the critical part) a very large PROJECTED image.

So, if you're watching a TV, even a big TV in a living room, it ain't a home theater. If you bought everything you need at Walmart in a box, it ain't a home theater. I'm not saying it's bad or you shouldn't do it, just that it isn't a home theater. And even with my definition there are a very wide range of theaters possible. I've seen them in garages, in attics, even in mobile homes. There's literally no limit on how much or little you spend as long as it's a room dedicated to the purpose, with a projected image and surround sound.

Many of us in the hobby call ours "screening rooms". I typically say, "I have a movie theater in my home."

I Was Touched By His Noodly Appendage

Do you know what bugs me most about the entire Intelligent Design movement? It's the complete hypocrisy and dishonesty of its proponents. At least when the same bunch were pushing Creationism they were clear on the "because it don't say nothing about evolution in the Bible" message.

Now they've decided that a bit of clever misdirection could work. "We're not saying it was God. Maybe it was some powerful Alien force. Who knows? We're just saying somebody designed it."

That's why I, along with thousands of other enlightened people, have taken to the belief that if all life on Earth was created, it must have been from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Let me be completely straight and honest: all you creationist/intelligent design folks - yes, we're making fun of you.

Coming Soon To A Theater Near You!

In my continuing quest for at least one good laugh every day: "A White Knuckle Thrill Thrill Ride!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

When There's No Good News

Rather than give in to despair from all of the idiocy and evil cloaked in righteousness (yes, you know I'm talking about you, Mr. Robertson), I turn to my friends, great writers and their works.

Today at lunch, for example, I pulled out a delightful little volume published by Konemann, Mark Twain's "A Tramp Abroad".

The other diners looked up from their burgers and fries as I laughed out loud. I simply couldn't help myself.

Here, see for yourself: A Tramp Abroad - Chapter VIII by Mark Twain

It's striking for me to note this: after reading much Thurber over the past few months Twain is still the undisputed master of American humor and keen observation.