Friday, March 26, 2004


I was reading a pro-Mac piece online when I came across this gem:

"The word 'yes' in a man's world (especially a husband's) is truly magical, but that's another discussion thread all together. "

Ain't that the truth? What better sound can one hear? "Can I have this dance?" "Would you like to go out Saturday night?" "Can I buy this new iPod?"

Just be careful to word your questions carefully.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Some Goals are Better Than Others

I have a short reading list of RSS feeds and blogs every day - it seems like some topics make the rounds pretty quickly.

Here's one I read on today:

40 Things Every Drunkard Should Do Before He Dies.

First point - completing all 40 might cause one to die.

Next surprising observation: there are a couple of good ideas in this list.

I am a moderate drinker - I didn't drink as an undergraduate and didn't drink much till after I was 25 and in the work force. A couple of drinks is usually fine for me.

On the other hand, I like it. I enjoy whisky and rum neat. I'll happily drink vodka shots or a martini - the colder the better. Beer is great, but a couple of pints is plenty. I love a good port, but rarely get it. And wine with a meal is fine, but not something I have to have.

And don't get me started on Irish Coffee.

"7.) Buy a crowded bar a round. For no reason at all. Jump up on a barstool and shout it loud: “A round for the house! On me!” Make sure you have a good toast ready, because, for once, they’ll all be listening."