This Yin and Yang thing is a bitch.
First, something I got a kick out of - a little thing, perhaps, but I regard it as a milestone.
Friday morning when I got in the office I had a phone message from a headhunter - I do get them from time to time. But this time it was different - this was the call, the big show, as they say in baseball.
I've spent my entire career in the software industry and from the start I've been a Mac fan. I've done good work and had more than a few chances to do some very cool things. For the last few years I've been working in a Mac software company (OK, cross platform, but we're all Mac fans here).
The call was from one of the big players - they knew who I was, what'd I'd done, and were interested in me. It was extremely flattering.
But I had no trouble saying, "thanks for thinking of me, but I'm not interested". It would have been a very interesting job, but there's no way I could uproot the family and move to California. But just like a proposition to a married man from a beautiful woman - sometimes it's just nice to be asked.
Just so the universe stays in balance, I learned yesterday that my ongoing back pain is not kidney stones, but arthritis. That's just damn depressing. So new drugs, physical therapy, and lots of X-rays, MRIs, CTs and paper hospital gowns. Trust me, it could have been worse news, but I reserve the right to be depressed for a little while. I hope that in a few months I'll feel better and be in better shape. I certainly hope so - my back's been killing me for days now. And knowing what's causing it makes me feel too damn old.
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12 years ago