Saturday, May 10, 2003

So, google tells me that there are other Captain's Blogs before me.

Such is life. I'll ponder on another title, or make this one a bit more my own. And I thought I was being so clever.

In a bit I'm taking my eldest daughter for an audition on her string bass - she's been playing a Beethoven sonitina over and over for weeks. It is a pretty thing and for those of you who do not know, the bass can be a rich and lyrical instrument, not just the anchor or rythmn section.

Look up some Edgar Meyers on Amazon or through the amazing Apple Music Store for the lucy Mac equipped.

Friday, May 09, 2003

Another? Sigh.
Here's another test at blogging tools - still haven't found one I like.
This one, called Frequency, at least automates linking!
Still, not quite wysiwyg. Althought there's a button for bold, itallic, and underlined (as if I couldn't manage those for myself.
The search continues.
Odd dreams, vaguely remembered. Something about a death and a funeral, not sure who. The funeral home was crowded, strange and near frantic - a maze of rooms and corridors. Diane was wanting to stay overnight there. Like I said, strange.

Probably due to a brief phone call from my Dad. My grandmother is back in the hospital, now in much worse shape. She's 88 and has been in failing health for some times, but now, apparently, her mind is slowly slipping from her. I had intended to write her the last 2 weeks, but put it off. Unless she recovers again, there's no point.

A few years ago she asked me to deliver the eulogy at her funeral - also to sing a song that was sung at my grandfather's funeral in 1968: "God's Tomorrow". Why me? I haven't sung in public for years. I should be able to work that one out - my cousin, Delores, who lives in Flora, Illinois has a friend that should be able to do it. Since the funeral/memorial service would be in Centralia, that shouldn't be a problem. I don't mind doing the eulogy, I was just worried she wanted me to write it and let her read it! But she didn't ask. I think that might have been making her own death a little too real for her.

If the need comes soon, I'll publish my notes here.

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Update: caffeine worked - much better now.
So, first thing today means nearly an hour and a half into the day.

Today is also one of those thankfully infrequent days when the edges of a migrane make themselves known. I've popped a couple of Excedrine Migrane tablets, which mostly work, an wait. If I'm lucky, it'll back off. I don't have time to go home and sleep it off, but if it flares up, I won't have a choice.

Up until a year or so ago, I thought these were sinus headaches. I'd have one every six weeks or so. But when I went in to get my soft palete arc welded out (another story) I asked the Doc and he said, "nope. Not sinus related." Great. Fortunately, they're not frequent.

But don't get me started on aches and pains. I already feel like an invalid when I go to the pharmecy. Nexium, Lipitor, Naproxen . . .

Just ignore this. I get grumpy when I hurt.

Another sign today is off to a bad start: missed an appointment with Jennifer's orthodontist. The custom shirt I ordered for a trade show came in and the logos are slightly different from the first batch - no time to get them redone.

Things are stacking up on my desk again . . .

But on the bright side, if I can kick this headache - tonight at Cinema Murray:
The Man Who Would Be King!

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Before this goes on much longer, I should point out that my particular friend, Penny, has a blog of her own.

I've been urging her to publish in just this manner. That's why I'm taking a bit of my own medicine and putting up this blog.

I've tried blogging with a few different tools and never really been satisfied with any, but though this might be worth trying.

Recently, I had to clean out the basement for the big project and had to toss or yardsale off what I could. During the process, I found a large stack of old journals I had kept since high school. It was mostly navel gazing and bemoning the fact I didn't write more in my journals, so none of that here!

And as my role model, who I refuse to immitate, see the Blog of Samuel Pepys!
It's been a long time from concept to completion, but my contractor tells me that tomorrow, the big project is finished.

I'm sure my friends and acquaintance are getting sick of hearing about my home theater, but even they admit, it is exceptionally cool. I'm not sure what drove me to such extremes. I'm betting that some self analysis will get back to any number of deep seated problems, including:
  • Obsessive/Compulsive disorder, intermediated by the attention span of a fruit fly.
  • The compulsive (there's that word again) need to entertain myself.
  • An overwhelming need to control and order my environment.
  • And the big one: it was/is one big 'pencil sharpening" ruse to help me avoid writing.

That, and I fell in with a bad crowd at

Ah, but it was fun.