*as long as you claim no authority to enforce it.
Yes, here the crux of the matter. Virtually all of humanity's problems boil down to matters of belief. Very few issues are purely greed or lust (and frankly, they're much more fun and less damaging than the whole belief thing).
And it's the followers that are the problem. Leaders are powerless, but followers, or "functionaries" as my good friend Penny calls them, are the ones that shed the blood and attempt to force all into behavioral boxes.
Why? Because of one word: SHOULD. I've been inside the belief structure - I was raise that way. But from the very start, from my earliest memories, I was struck with the hypocrisies. Christianity has a big problem here and it isn't alone, but it's the one I know best. The complete practice of Christianity is incompatible with modern life. In it's current incarnation it is structured around allowing people the most minimal contact with religious life while exercising the maximum behavioral control. If one were to actually follow the precepts of Christianity as recognized by most of the major brands, you'd quickly be labeled either a fanatic or a nut. Do you really expect me to give up everything, accept everyone, turn the other cheek, and here's the big one, pretty much ignore all authority and hierarchy? And when you in turn look at those that do follow their religion religiously, you have the extremes that we find both humorous and dangerous.
Jesus, as presented in the New Testament, was a dangerous man. Why? Not because of the reported miracles or for anything he said. He's portrayed and the most unthreatening man you could imagine, even to his death. But his FOLLOWERS were becoming the threat. Frankly, they were right to be scared. I can't find any measure that will provide evidence of positive good done by these followers that can't be outweighed by a hundred times the evil they've perpetrated in his name.
Alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees, hypocrites! You pay tithes of mint and dill and cummin; but you have overlooked the weightier demands of the Law, justice, mercy, and good faith. It is these you should have practised, without neglecting the others. Blind guides! You strain off a midge, yet gulp down a camel!
Alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees, hypocrites! You clean the outside of cup and dish, which you have filled inside by robbery and self-indulgence! Blind Pharisee! Clean the inside of the cup first; then the outside will be clear also.
Alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees, hypocrites! You are like tombs covered with whitewash; they look well from outside, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all kinds of filth. So it is with you: outside you look like honest men, but inside you are brim-full of hypocrisy and crime. . .
Matthew, 23rd Chapter
I'll admit, it's damn difficult to face that there's no purpose to human existence. This life we have is it. There's no second change, next round, higher plane. And building a life that has its own meaning, that is satisfying and is creditable (I'm not sure I'm ready to tackle laying that one out yet) is a challenge that most simply can't or won't face.
And frankly, I don't care if they do or don't, as long as they leave everyone else alone!
See? There's a good reason they haven't made me supreme ruler of this little galaxy.