Friday, September 23, 2005

If I'd Known It Was That Simple

But this makes it ever some much more clear.

Getting rid of illusion of time, reaching the state of integrated singularity type IV advanced alien civilizations travel instantaneously : "They do it by converting mass into zero point energy (ZPE), isolating illusion of time from the overlap and reaching the state of integrated singularity. The ZPE is then sent to the exact spatial in the Hyperspace or any part of the Universes. Isolating time this way allows type IV alien civilizations to travel to any part of the Universe, other Universes and the 5-D Hyperspace instantaneously."


Once again, the truth is scarier than myth.

The Devil's Gardens: "The Chuyachaqui is a mythical dwarf with one human foot and one hoof. He is able to transform himself to anyone's likeness. He often appears as a friend or family member to lone travelers in the jungle and leads them around in circles until they are lost.

'The devil's gardens are considered his home, and people avoid devil's gardens in fear of him, or at least traverse devil's gardens very cautiously,' Frederickson said."

But what really makes these gardens? Acid Spitting Ants. Ye gods!

You see, kiddies, this is why science is important. Yes, the stories we make up and tell each other about the way things are are fun. Just so stories are ever so entertaining. But really understanding how things works is pretty damn interesting too. And better yet, once we really understand how something works, it places another piece in the puzzle of how everything works.

And don't you think it might be useful to know how these gardens are formed and maintained? Might make a difference in your yard or garden some day. And much more effective than trying to hire an evil dwarf. They've got a pretty tough union and their hourly wage is staggering.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Forbidden Science

This is not a "There are some things that Man is not meant to know" post. This is another "let the chips fall where they may" post.

Cultural Survival: "The risks, on the other hand, are many, Harry said. Project findings may contradict indigenous oral traditions about their origins. In addition to psychological damage, this may cause political harm. 'How can they control that these findings will not be used against indigenous peoples?' Harry asked."

So, what exactly is Debra Harry (apparently not Blondie) saying? Is she saying, "we don't want to look too closely at our selves?" And what about the bit about "Project findings may contradict indigenous oral traditions about their origins." Is that a bad thing?

I am fully aware of the fate of many indigenous people around the world. And I am a great lover of myth and origin stories. But I completely reject the approach that I must treat them as the truth. Origin stories and myth tell us a great deal about the human experience, but they do not provide a map of the real. Culture is important, but not at the expense of truth and knowledge. Would Ms. Harry have us set up informational reservations for the preservation of indigenous cultures?

It is not only helpful, but it's vital that we understand the true origins of humanity. We are, after all, one big happy species.

And yes, I'm the same guy that says, "let people believe any damn stupid thing they want and long as they don't force it on me." But that doesn't mean that I have to protect and isolate anyone from knowledge because it might offend their belief system.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Tech Commandments

You will note, and in proper geek style, the commandments are displayed on 2 Newtons.

More of the same at Geek Culture.

These guys are more miss than hit, but every once and awhile they get a good one. Too bad no one there actually knows how to draw.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Yes, but what the hell is CRBA?

More fun with

CRBA=Captain Randy Blogs Again. Trips right off the tongue, don't it?

I Want My W TV.

Hedwig pointed me to this today: National Geographic Magazine - WildCam AFRICA.

So nice, and some of the best quality live web cam work I've seen. How nice it is to have a window to open on my screen and see a pond in Botswana, all live. Music TV? Who needs that? I want my Window to the World.

Of course, it brings to mind what I really want. I want a menu cameras and destinations just like this one all over the world, all with true high definition, real time feeds. I want the same thing from satellites, viewing the Earth from near and far. I want a live feed from our little robots on Mars.

I want it all. And most of all, I want at least one little camera set at the Cafe Du Monde so I can have breakfast there every day.