Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ten Years In a Quandary

In my research into James Thurber I was struck that he wrote, “One of the greatest fears of the humorous writer is that he has spent three weeks writing something done faster and better by Benchley in 1919.”


”. . . plagued with the suspicion that a piece he has been working on for two days was done much better and probably more quickly by Robert Benchley in 1924.”

So, I thought I should look into Benchley. He falls into that rather large group of writers I’ve always heard about, but read very little of. So, I picked up his book My Ten Years In A Quandary and How They Grew. I can see exactly what Thurber was getting at.

In particular, find a small piece called “Spy Scare.” To me a moment to realize that he was writing about the US just after World War I, not today.

I seem to have known, but forgotten that Peter “Jaws” Benchley is his grandson.

Monday, June 13, 2005

That natural cosmetically enhanced look you've always wanted.

At times like these I'm thankful that I'm a guy and don't have to think about these things.

"Built-in sculpted graduated cups are designed to create a natural cosmetically enhanced look. Provides lift and slight separation to offer a fuller and firmer appearance both in and out of clothing."

OK, how exactly does this bra help you "out of clothing"? And why exactly would a woman want to conspicuously appear as if she'd had bad cosmetic surgery? (By definition, if you can tell, it's bad, right?)