Friday, May 09, 2003

Odd dreams, vaguely remembered. Something about a death and a funeral, not sure who. The funeral home was crowded, strange and near frantic - a maze of rooms and corridors. Diane was wanting to stay overnight there. Like I said, strange.

Probably due to a brief phone call from my Dad. My grandmother is back in the hospital, now in much worse shape. She's 88 and has been in failing health for some times, but now, apparently, her mind is slowly slipping from her. I had intended to write her the last 2 weeks, but put it off. Unless she recovers again, there's no point.

A few years ago she asked me to deliver the eulogy at her funeral - also to sing a song that was sung at my grandfather's funeral in 1968: "God's Tomorrow". Why me? I haven't sung in public for years. I should be able to work that one out - my cousin, Delores, who lives in Flora, Illinois has a friend that should be able to do it. Since the funeral/memorial service would be in Centralia, that shouldn't be a problem. I don't mind doing the eulogy, I was just worried she wanted me to write it and let her read it! But she didn't ask. I think that might have been making her own death a little too real for her.

If the need comes soon, I'll publish my notes here.

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