Friday, March 04, 2005

The Writer As hero

Hedwig pointed me to this: He was blacklisted in a national witch hunt. Yet writer Dalton Trumbo never lost his integrity.

We live in an age where it is said, "there are no heros and perhaps there never were." And yet, look at this man, Dalton Trumbo. Here's a man that stood up to tyranny, suffered the loss of his profession, even went to prison. And then he continued to work, hidden, behind the scenes. Here's your hero.

We need more Trumbos now. We need individuals that will stand up to the FCC and say, "Fuck you." We need heros that will tell the truth to power and not back down. We need a real press, unafraid to lose their White House credentials. We need quiet, powerful men and women that won't be shouted down, won't be silenced, won't go away.

We need people to proudly reclaim the title "liberal".

I'd love to see Dennehy's performance. I hope it finds its way to New York and the recognition that it needs.

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