Thursday, September 01, 2005

Continuing to Underestimate The Problem

From here, safe and dry in Columbus, things look very bad in New Orleans. But I fear that things there are far worse than the authorities have imagined. From stories like these, it's clear to me that there may still be 100,000 or more people stranded there. And uncounted thousands of dead. - Stranded Spain MP describes Katrina chaos - Sep 1, 2005: "The journalist, Montserrat Boix of Spain's state television TVE, said Muoz told her the situation at the center was steadily deteriorating and that authorities were unaware of the magnitude of the problem."

I am not criticizing the selfless people that are trying to help. I'm only pointing out that our civil authorities need to respond with thousands more troops and prepare for a refuge problem of nearly a million people that may be out of their homes for over a year. To wait will mean much more death and suffering.

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