Friday, September 23, 2005

Once again, the truth is scarier than myth.

The Devil's Gardens: "The Chuyachaqui is a mythical dwarf with one human foot and one hoof. He is able to transform himself to anyone's likeness. He often appears as a friend or family member to lone travelers in the jungle and leads them around in circles until they are lost.

'The devil's gardens are considered his home, and people avoid devil's gardens in fear of him, or at least traverse devil's gardens very cautiously,' Frederickson said."

But what really makes these gardens? Acid Spitting Ants. Ye gods!

You see, kiddies, this is why science is important. Yes, the stories we make up and tell each other about the way things are are fun. Just so stories are ever so entertaining. But really understanding how things works is pretty damn interesting too. And better yet, once we really understand how something works, it places another piece in the puzzle of how everything works.

And don't you think it might be useful to know how these gardens are formed and maintained? Might make a difference in your yard or garden some day. And much more effective than trying to hire an evil dwarf. They've got a pretty tough union and their hourly wage is staggering.

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