Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Say Hello To Captain Trips!

Now here's a "gee wiz" article that is also an "nothing good can come of this" article. - Researchers reconstruct 1918 virus - Oct 5, 2005: "The public health risk of resurrecting the virus is minimal, U.S. health officials said. People around the world developed immunity to the deadly 1918 virus after the pandemic, and a certain degree of immunity is believed to persist today. Also, in previous research, scientists concluded that modern antiviral medicines are effective against Spanish flu-like viruses."

At first, I'm extremely impressed that they've been able to "recreate" the virus. That's a hell of an impressive feat. But I'm also concerned about their lack of concern. " . . .a certain degree of immunity is believed to persist today." I'm glad they hope so. Any one of them want to test that theory?

Flu and disease control needs too be a top priority with the science and health communities. And add to that Bush's interest in controlling a flu outbreak, you could say I'm rather worried.

Oh, for those of you reading this, but not strong enough in the google fu, seek out Mother Abigail.

1 comment:

Randy Murray said...

"Welcome to Itchy and Scratchy Land, where nothing can possiblie go wrong-- uh, possibLEE go wrong. [pause] That's the first thing that's ever gone wrong."